The great debate of Nature vs Nurture: Sleep Edition

The great debate of Nature vs Nurture: Sleep Edition

The great debate of Nature vs Nurture: Sleep Edition If you are reading my blog, I am sure that – at least once in your parenting journey – you must have felt like you were blessed with a terrible sleeper. Maybe your own mom even told you “It’s genetics! You were the...
Will sleep training make my baby Inflexible

Will sleep training make my baby Inflexible

Will sleep training make my baby Inflexible I decided to write this article because, in some way, I feel guilty. Guilty for all those parents who, once their child’s naps and night sleep have dramatically improved, decide to give up any sorts of social...
The Impact of Paternal Involvement on Child’s Sleep

The Impact of Paternal Involvement on Child’s Sleep

The Impact of Paternal Involvement on Child’s Sleep I’m sure at one point in your parenting journey, you’ve turned to Google to search for the elusive answer to, “How can I get my baby to sleep more at night?” While there are many things you can try to get more sleep...
Preventing overtiredness

Preventing overtiredness

Preventing overtiredness Overtiredness is, by far, the main cause for poor quality sleep and this is as true for children as it is for adults. As humans, we have a natural rhythm when it comes to sleep. Our bodies secrete hormones to keep us active and let us...
Tips for less stressful travel with your kids

Tips for less stressful travel with your kids

Tips for less stressful travel with your kids It will not come as a surprise to you that some children tolerate travel better than others. Take the example of my two kids: Gabriele has always enjoyed traveling by car and, now that he is 4 and a half years old, he is...
Is there such a thing as a “light sleeper”?

Is there such a thing as a “light sleeper”?

Is there such a thing as a “light sleeper”? Do you think your baby is a light sleeper? Is she waking up frequently and finding it hard to go back to sleep? Does she go from fast asleep in your arms to wide awake the second you place her in the crib? This is, by far,...