Introducing your new baby to their older siblings Congratulations! If you’re reading this, chances are high that, like me, you’ve recently welcomed a new member into your family or maybe you are planning to do so soon. Welcoming a new baby is an exciting...
The Soothing Symphony: Unlocking the Power of White Noise for Baby Sleep Welcoming a newborn into your life brings immeasurable joy, but it’s no secret that those first few months can be a rollercoaster of sleepless nights for both parents and baby. Enter the...
Wake windows or tired cues: which one should you follow? As a pediatric sleep consultant, I get often asked this question: is it better to follow age appropriate wake windows or to look out for baby’s signs of tiredness? The short answer may be that both strategies...
Parenthood and Dispelling the Perfect Baby Sleep Myth: Practical Strategies for Alleviating Anxiety As a parent, it’s instinctive to seek the best for your child, including ensuring they enjoy restful sleep—particularly if you’ve dedicated effort to...
Unlocking the Secrets of Infant Sleep: Signs Your Baby is Ready for Independent Sleep Strategies As a sleep consultant, I often witness the incredible journey of babies as they blossom into little individuals, constantly exploring the world around them. One pivotal...