Introducing your new baby to their older siblings
Introducing your new baby to their older siblings Congratulations! If you’re reading this, chances are high that, like me, you’ve recently welcomed a new member into your family or maybe you are planning to do so soon. Welcoming a new baby is an exciting...
The Soothing Symphony: Unlocking the Power of White Noise for Baby Sleep
The Soothing Symphony: Unlocking the Power of White Noise for Baby Sleep Welcoming a newborn into your life brings immeasurable joy, but it’s no secret that those first few months can be a rollercoaster of sleepless nights for both parents and baby. Enter the...
Wake windows or tired cues: which one should you follow?
Wake windows or tired cues: which one should you follow? As a pediatric sleep consultant, I get often asked this question: is it better to follow age appropriate wake windows or to look out for baby’s signs of tiredness? The short answer may be that both strategies...