
My name is Sara and I am the mother of two amazing kids: Gabriele (2017) and Bianca (2019). They are the reason why I decided to become a Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

Like many other moms before me, I knew that becoming a parent involved a series of unavoidable changes to my habits and, of course, that getting a good night’s sleep would no longer be an option. Well, my first born just proved I was right as the issues with his sleep lasted for more than two years.

With the arrival of his little sister, the situation got even worse: the difficulties of both children around sleep and the constant lack of rest for me and my husband were making it hard for us to fully enjoy our family.

It was then that I decided to hire a Sleep Sense™ certified Consultant to guide me through the process of teaching my children how to sleep well.

In a matter of just a few weeks, my nightmare nights became the nights every parent would wish for. All with a customized approach for my family, without resorting to hard methods that were contrary to my parenting style.

Like many other moms before me, I knew that becoming a parent involved a series of unavoidable changes to my habits and, of course, that getting a good night’s sleep would no longer be an option. Well, my first born just proved I was right as the issues with his sleep lasted for more than two years.

With the arrival of his little sister, the situation got even worse: the difficulties of both children around sleep and the constant lack of rest for me and my husband were making it hard for us to fully enjoy our family.

It was then that I decided to hire a Sleep Sense™ certified Consultant to guide me through the process of teaching my children how to sleep well.

In a matter of just a few weeks, my nightmare nights became the nights every parent would wish for. All with a customized approach for my family, without resorting to hard methods that were contrary to my parenting style.

I became so passionate about the world of infant sleep that I decided to get my own certification as a Sleep Sense™ Consultant. I wish to offer my knowledge and support to all those parents that are dealing with sleepless nights, cranky babies and – as a consequence – complicated family dynamics just like I once was.

If you are looking through my website, I believe you too are dreaming of finally having kids that sleep through the night and rest well during the day. I suggest that you SCHEDULE A 15 MINUTE FREE EVALUATION to chat about your child’s current sleep situation and decide if a full consultation is the right choice for your family.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, I can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at +971 521015288.

– Sara Nanetti

Gabriele and Bianca